How to Build a Media-First Brand

For years, we've seen the impact of media and content on business and brand strategies.

Brands across all industries have invested heavily in content creation across several channels: podcasts, social media, YouTube, blogging, and more to reach their audiences wherever they are.

However, the content landscape is undergoing another massive shift towards becoming media-first.

Instead of media becoming an afterthought or merely a distribution tool, it will become an integral part of brand and marketing efforts.

Content will have a bigger seat at the table, leading conversations and connections

In a media-first brand strategy, brands use media channels to drive connection, engagement, and growth. And I'm not just talking about social media content——long-form content (blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos) is just as instrumental.

Media has become a digital-first impression that gives prospective customers a chance to know the brand before they even make a purchase.

The purpose of content is no longer to educate your audience but to connect with them. It should tell them everything they need about your business, thought processes, approach, and POV.

So, how can you create a media-first brand strategy?

Prioritize creating your own “media multiverse”

Your media multiverse is your media ecosystem. It's your newsletter, podcast, YouTube channel, and social media content.

Yeah, it's a lot of content, especially for a small business owner.

The good news is you don't have to be present on every channel. Play to your strengths so you can work smarter, not harder.

How to build your own media-first brand:

  • Incorporate at least one long-form content channel——a podcast, YouTube channel, blog, etc. This is GOLD for repurposing across channels and can help you articulate and expand upon your ideas.

  • Repurpose, repurpose, repurpose. We don't have all the time in the world, so spread the love across your entire media multiverse (This blog, for example, came from a Thread and newsletter I published).

  • Have a distinct premise and purpose for each channel. Each part of your media multiverse should have a purpose. Nothing should ever be done ad hoc and always tied to a greater strategy.

  • Start small with one channel at a time. Get comfortable with producing for one channel, then add on from there.

No one wants to create more content (hell, we barely have time to make the content we want to now), but hear me out.

Invite your audience into your brand world

Instead of viewing content creation as a chore, look at it as an opportunity to invite your audience to be a part of your brand world.

Invite them into your brain. Create something that resonates with them. Share your hot takes and spiky opinions. Give them a reason to build a parasocial relationship with you.

Here's what my media multiverse looks like:

  • This newsletter

  • My other newsletter, Creatives Anonymous

  • Social content

  • (Coming soon) a podcast

  • (Coming soon) a magazine

(Yes, this is crazy and a lot of content, but I've also been publishing content on the internet for 10+ years, so I have a system down pat).

Media is a powerful tool we can use in our business, especially when building a brand and marketing strategy around it. And it's about time we start using it.


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