You have the skills, creativity, and expertise, but how do you turn them into scalable offers?

It’s time to break out of service provider jail once and for all.

Musing to Monetized is a 4-week done-with-you intensive designed to help consultants, coaches, and service providers transform their skills, creativity, and expertise into scalable, profitable offers.






Does this sound like you? It’s time for you to break free

You spend all your time on client delivery, leaving you feeling overworked, burned out, and uninspired.

You can’t remember the last time you worked on building something for your brand.

You feel stuck and frustrated because you’re not seeing the business growth you envisioned.

You’re a “yes person” who takes any project that comes your way, resulting in misaligned or poor-fit clients.

Your business feels out of alignment and you’re unsure what brand vision you’re working toward in the first place.

Your services are all custom-priced and custom-scoped, leaving you over-promising and under-charging.

Imagine what it would feel like to build a creative, profitable, and sustainable business centered around your unique expertise.

In just four weeks, you’ll learn how to:

Open Up Your Capacity

With Musing to Monetized, we help you turn your amazing 1:1 DFY custom services into scalable offers like productized services, courses, or communities that free up your capacity to build a brand and cultivate your creativity. You’ll learn how to provide more value to your audience through structured, impactful offers that drive meaningful transformations—leaving you with time to work on your own brand.

Take Aligned Action

It’s not worth building offers that don’t align with the type of business you want to develop. In Musing to Monetized, we guide you in creating offers that align with your big brand vision to ensure that you take the proper steps to turn your vision into a reality. You will gain the clarity and strategy needed to create offers that confidently align with your brand vision and resonate deeply with your audience.

Identify & Capitalize on Your Zone of Genius

We believe that your true talent transcends your skillset. Through excavation, we’ll help you discover your zone of genius and how you can double down on it to create a scalable offer that plays to your strengths while also serving your audience.

Create Sustainable Value

You'll learn how to create offers that resonate deeply with your audience while still providing the type of white-glove service your clients are used to. Scalable offers mean more consistent income, leading to a more sustainable business. We’ll work together to build a solid foundation for your business with frameworks and strategies that ensure long-term growth and success.


Musing to Monetized

Musing to Monetized is a 4-week done-with-you intensive designed to help service providers, consultants, and coaches transform their skills, creativity, and expertise into scalable, profitable offers.

Only 12 spots available for Q4!

Your Escape Plan

WEEK 1: Brand Alignment & Zone of Genius

Strategy call: We’ll have a 1:1 call to go over your prep work and learn more about you, your business goals, and your big brand vision.

We’ll also excavate your true zone of genius and brainstorm how to turn it into a scalable offer that resonates with your clients.

What you get: A brand audit guide and workbook that we’ll work on together to map out your big brand vision and goals.

WEEK 2: Identify Your Offer

Strategy call: We’ll have a 1:1 call to brainstorm the offer you want to develop.

We’ll determine the type of offer—course, community, or productized service—and provide some idea viability criteria to consider as you turn that idea into a reality.

What you get: A guided workbook and viability framework that you can take your ideas through to see if they make sense as offers.

WEEK 3: Build Out & Develop

Strategy call: We’ll get our hands dirty and discuss the specifics of your offer—who it’s for, the transformation, the delivery, pricing, and more.

We’ll discuss everything and consider all the angles for building and developing your offer. The goal is to leave you with an offer you feel confident in and that seamlessly fits into your offer ecosystem.

What you get: A comprehensive offer development workbook and unlimited feedback and support via Voxer.

WEEK 4: Implement & Handoff

Strategy call: In our last call, we’ll review your questions and assemble your implementation plan.

We’ll work together to determine the next steps so this offer doesn’t end up in your graveyard of unfinished ideas. You’ll be empowered to launch this offer and get it in front of your audience immediately.

What you get: A personalized implementation checklist with the next steps for launching your offer. You’ll also get 2 weeks of support as you implement your offer.

Types of scalable offers we help you build

  • Like a DFY service without the custom scope and pricing. One transformation. One set of deliverables. One price. Typically executed as a "done with you" offer.

  • Turn your frameworks, approach, and the tools you use into courses or digital products so your audience can use them in their own work. The closest you'll get to "passive" income.

  • Offer your audience an extension of you through an exclusive membership or community. Think exclusive content, events, perks, and more.

Expand your ecosystem. Free up your capacity. Leverage your expertise.

$2,250 pay-in-full (special introductory price!)

$750/mo. for 3 months


  • 4 1:1 60-minute strategy sessions

  • Unlimited Voxer voice note support & feedback

  • Brand audit guide

  • Idea validation framework

  • Offer development workbook

  • 2 weeks of follow-up support

What Makes Musing to Monetized Different

This isn’t your typical brand strategy or business development offer—it’s a bit of both!

  • We capitalize on what makes you great. You don’t need to add more skills to your plate—you already have the magic inside you. We look beyond your skillset to find your true zone of genius and capitalize on that to provide value to your audience.

  • We’re in the weeds with you. This isn’t an offer where we give you the frameworks and expect you to do the rest. We roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty with you. We’re here to help you through unlimited feedback and support while working together.

  • We take the time to get to know you. We want to build a relationship with you and learn about who you serve and why you got into business in the first place. We’re on this journey with you.

  • We want to do more than help you make money. Moving to scalable offers involves a mindset shift, so we want to give you a different way to think about running your business so you can start seeing the success you’ve dreamed of.

  • We consider both strategy and execution. Some entrepreneurs are dreamers and struggle with the details, while others are the other way around. We can help you see a different perspective no matter how you work.

Musing to Monetized is designed to help you show up more boldly, cultivate a more valuable relationship with your audience, and grow a more authentic brand.

Hi! I’m Alexa

I wear many hats—I’m a brand strategist, writer, and multi-passionate creative. But most of all, I’m a recovering, burnt-out service provider.

Since starting my business, I’ve struggled to keep a consistent client load, find time for marketing, and open my capacity to pursue brand projects. I wasn’t building a business or a brand I loved. I was burned out, frustrated, and uninspired.

So I decided to do something about it.

I realized I’m not alone. So many service providers are trapped in service provider jail, not realizing there’s a way out and a different way to do business, one that allows them to serve their clients while also building a business that they love.

Now, I’m on a mission to help other service providers escape jail and start building their dream business.

Who is Musing to Monetized For?


You’re a burned-out consultant or coach who’s built your business with 1:1 services. Burned Out Bettys constantly find themselves over capacity with client work, leaving them with no time to build their brand or pursue other buiness projects. They’re frustrated and looking for a better way to build a self-sustaining business on their terms.


You’re a service provider looking to switch your niche or pivot your brand. You want to do things differently this time, including the types of services you offer. You’re using this as an opportunity to build a new type of business from the get-go that aligns with your vision for yourself and your brand.


You want to scale your business and offer more value to your audience. You’re looking to expand your brand footprint, create passive income, and put your business on autopilot. You’re looking for a solution that will free up your creative capacity so you can spend more time creating content, landing brand opportunities, or removing yourself from day-to-day brand operations.

FAQs for Musing to Monetized

Why is it four weeks?

We believe that ideas need time to marinate! Developing the right idea takes a lot of time, reflection, and thought work, so we thought doing it over four weeks gives you time to refine your concept until it gets just right. Plus, we know you’ve got other things on your plate.

How much time commitment is required each week?

Participants typically dedicate 3-5 hours per week to Musing to Monetized, including live sessions, individual work on assignments, and implementation of strategies discussed.

Can I join if I don't have a specific idea yet for a scalable offer?

Absolutely! Musing to Monetized is designed to help you clarify and refine your ideas. We'll work together to identify the most viable and impactful offer that aligns with your strengths and audience needs.

How do I know if Musing to Monetized is right for my stage of business?

Musing to Monetized caters to entrepreneurs at various stages but is best for those ready to leap into their business and move beyond 1:1 services.

How personalized is the support and guidance I'll receive?

Very! Each participant receives personalized attention during the strategy call and live sessions. We tailor our approach to your specific goals, challenges, and vision for your brand.


Build a self-sustaining business with profitable, scalable offers that leverages your zone of genius.